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Best Of Community Competition

The Best of Community Competition is to give everyone in Oklahoma who are the backbone of the industry the credit and recognition that they deserve. There are so many more ancillary companies that support the industry and actual “workers” We wanted to have a way to showcase the talent in our state by nominations.

Best of Community Competition is open to ONLY Oklahoma Residents.

  • All nominations must be entered in by April 20, 2024 to qualify
  • Once any submission is uploaded and accepted by the moderators it can start being voted on by the public
  • Free votes are available for each category to place every 24 hours
  • Should you want to support the nominee and buy a block of votes to help increase the votes and also help donate more money to the Non-Profit, It Stops Here Foundation
  • Vote blocks will be available to purchase and make additional votes

Deadlines and Voting

All Best of Community nominations must be entered online by no later than April 20, 2024.

Voting starts as soon as platform launches and April 25, 2024 is the last date for Votes.

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Voting for Best Of Community

This competition is only for informational purposes, no sale of any type of product is ever made online. This is only showcasing your skills and NO Products are FOR SALE to the PUBLIC.

VOTES are also Not to Purchase any Product only to show support of the viewing pleasure of the nominations presented.

The top 3 highest voted community nominees per category will be contacted no later than April 27, 2024 so each nominee can prepare for the award dinner on Sunday April 28, 2024.

What does the top virtual Finalist Win?

  • The nominee with the highest votes in each category will receive a CP Trophy presented at the Official Award Show
  • Segment to appear LIVE on The Grinder.LIVE/ChronicTV
  • Segment will air on the ROKU Channel
  • Discounted tickets to attend the Official Award Show

Giving Back to the Community

It Stops Here Foundation a 501c3 Non Profit

It Stops Here is an Oklahoma Non Profit Organization that was founded in 2019 to help bring awareness to Oklahoma regarding the crisis within the Oklahoma justice system. Oklahoma has one of the highest incarceration rates in the nation. Research has found that the majority of these offenders are first time and non violent. With all the prison reform going on in the world Oklahoma falls behind on the important and much needed initiatives to free non violent offenders and in particular individuals who are serving time for MJ. Some inmates serving time for MJ have longer terms (years) to serve then most sex crimes or even assault/murder crimes.

House Bill 788 passed - a people initiated petition in Oklahoma making MJ legal from a medical stand point on a State Level. As of January 2023 the State has issued over 373K Patients medical cards, over 7k growers, 2,729 dispensaries, 1,729 Processors, 138 Transporters, 27 Laboratories, 11 Waste Disposals totaling over 386k legal medical MJ licenses in the state. These patients and businesses have paid over $5M in taxes. But yet there are still hundreds of thousands of individuals still doing prison sentences in the state and federal prison for MJ.

It Stops Here Foundation is a organization that is a voice for the voiceless incarcerated and for the children who has a parent or a loved one who is currently incarcerated for MJ. Our goal is to raise awareness of this much needed prison reform. When a parent is taken away to the justice system and ripped out of the children's lives especially for a MJ charge this creates unnecessary problems for the entire family. Many grandparents are forced to raise their grandchildren (or other legal guardians) on a very limited income and step into a role that they should not have to step into just to ensure the children do not fall short into the city child protection systems.

It Stops Here Foundation accepts donations all through the year and has a annual Thanks Giving Meal and Christmas Toy Drive for children who’s parents are currently incarcerated. This wont help bring their parents home right away but at least we can help take the financial burdens off the grandparents or legal guardians of the children to help make there days a little brighter.

In 2022, It Stops Here Foundation expanded their mission with more events to raise awareness for prison reform by working with the the largest Medical event in the state of Oklahoma. The Patient Driven Festival hosts Music Quest Competition and CP Awards to help raise money for the non profit organization. The Festival will facilitate with It Stops Here Foundation a visual act of notice putting a message to the community to bring their children who’s parents are currently incarcerated for MJ to the 420 event and create a human chain shaped like a heart and working on a Guinness Book of World Records. We hope to bring awareness on a national level so that perhaps the law makers in Oklahoma and around the world will see the seriousness of how all these children's parents are currently incarcerated while their children attend the largest medical event in the state. Money collected from the 3 different competitions and CP Award Show a large portion will be donated to It Stops Here Foundation.